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Upcoming Release Schedule 

For the upcoming SmartApps Winter ‘25 release, below are the release target plans. These plans could shift between now and the target date(s).  Register for real-time deployment status here:  

  • Targeting week of January 6th - Deploy Winter release to Customer UAT/Test environments. 
  • Targeting week of February 3rd - Deploy Winter release to Customer Prod/Production environments. 
  • Spring ‘25 release is targeted for the week of April 7th, 2025. 

SmartApps Cloud – Winter '25 Release

Fraud Prevention 

Wrap-Up Code Monitoring 

Fraud Prevention monitors suspicious activity and patterns of interactions.  Thresholds could be configured to look at patterns based on non-Agent handled interactions, Queue routed interactions, suspicious marked interactions, and now interactions that ended with a specific wrap-up code. With this update, wrap-up codes are available throughout the platform: 

  • Thresholds can be configured based on the wrap-up code used and the frequency of the use over a period of time.  Credit Unions use wrap-up codes to mark specific interactions as suspicious which can be used in a threshold evaluation. 
  • Interaction History – The Member Service Representative (MSR) can see previous interactions and now include Wrap-Up codes for the previous interactions. See example screenshot below. 
  • Fraud Investigator – When reviewing previous interactions in Fraud Investigator, the Wrap Up code is now included in the view.  See the example screenshot below from Investigator. 

Employee Productivity 

Phone Number Search

A new Search Type has been added so the MSR can search for a member by phone number. There are two options for searching by phone number depending on the Banking Core used. DNA and Keystone both have built in capabilities to search by phone number while Symitar can be configured to search by a phone number using a Lookup field configured in Symitar. For all deployments, the Alternate Member Search list is used to search for a member by phone number. This assumes periodically uploading the alternate member phone number mapping. Note the Phone Type check box which allows the search field to be a phone number type search. This is used by the client to place a special button next to the phone number field which performs a quick paste of the current interaction’s phone number and performs the search.

URL Screen Pop

Screen popping to a generic URL endpoint has been added allowing screen popping to any web-based application where the dynamic parameters can be sent as URL parameters. As part of this release, we have tested this new enhancement to screen pop to Meridian Link Collect. Using the “Insert Parameter”, values which are specific to the interaction can be used in generating the URL including participant attributes or dialer contact attributes. In the screenshots below, you can see an example screen pop configuration for Meridian Link Collect along with the outcome of the screen pop in the second screenshot.

SmartApps ScreenPopId

For call interactions that go through SmartApps IVR, the Screen Pop profile is set to define which screen pops to make available when the call is delivered to the MSR. For all other interactions, today it would default to the Screen Pop profile which is set as “Default”.  In this release, the Screen Pop profile can be set by setting the participant attribute “SmartApps ScreenPopId” to the screen pop profile ID.  This will allow for controlling screen pop by the interaction type and flow of the interaction. For outbound campaign interactions, using a column called “SmartApps ScreenPopId” with the desired screen pop profile ID. To determine the Screen Pop profile ID for your deployment, navigate to the desired screen pop and the ID will be in the browser URL. In the screenshot below, it shows the following URL in the browser. In this example, the Screen Pop Profile ID is 108.

Core Specific

Keystone Transaction Descriptions

Keystone handles transaction sources differently from other cores. Depending on the source of the transaction, the field used for transaction sources may vary. To handle the possible differences between credit unions, Site Manager now allows for the configuration of the transaction sources.

SmartApps Cloud – Fall '24 Release

Streamlined Authentication

Voice Biometrics Improvements

SmartApps Cloud provides integration with various Voice Biometrics solutions to provide a simple seamless process to authenticating a member using their voice. To further enhance these capabilities, below details the substantive changes to Voice Biometric integration. No changes were made to the Daon IdentityX voice biometrics integration offering for this release. Note that Voice Biometrics integration is available the SmartApps Cloud Level 3 user license and the Voice Biometrics platforms are sold and implemented separately from the SmartApps Cloud platform.

Nuance Gatekeeper

SmartApps Cloud has added support for another Voice Biometric platform, Nuance Gatekeeper by Microsoft. Nuance Gatekeeper’s user interface is directly embedded within the SmartApps Client provides an easy to use and combined interface allowing a member service representative (MSR) to quickly identify and authenticate the member without flipping between numerous applications.

SmartApps Cloud has added support for another Voice Biometric platform, Nuance Gatekeeper by Microsoft

Illuma Shield

In this release, the Illuma Shield integration with SmartApps includes an improved experience by embedding the Illuma Shield widget within the SmartApps Client representative experience. Like Gatekeeper, this provides the best of both worlds by integrating the user experience of both solutions within the Genesys Cloud + SmartApps client. The integration automates the selection of the member in Illuma and initiates the process to authenticate a voice registered member while recording the outcomes within SmartApps platform.

In this release, the Illuma Shield integration with SmartApps includes an improved experience by embedding the Illuma Shield widget within the SmartApps Client representative experience.

Additional Force PIN and Customer Activation Scenarios

Additional options have been added to start the Force PIN change and Customer Activation process, including last 5 digits or last 6 digits of the SSN. Setting one of these values for the member’s PIN in the banking core will be matched during authentication and redirect the calling member to the Customer Activation or Force PIN Change process.

Additional options have been added to start the Force PIN change and Customer Activation process, including last 5 digits or last 6 digits of the SSN.

Self Service


Teller is a bank by phone solution providing credit union members 24x7 phone access to typical banking transactions. Built on top of the SmartApps Cloud platform, it provides self-service capabilities to the member while taking advantage of SmartApps Cloud platform’s streamlined authentication, fraud prevention, and employee empowerment capabilities. While this solution is new to SmartApps Cloud, the solution is built using the SmartApps on-premises Smart Teller approach as the solution model. For credit unions moving from PureConnect to Genesys Cloud, the configuration and capabilities will look very similar with some improvements appropriate for cloud architecture. We also have migration tools to ease the process of moving from PureConnect + Smart Teller on-premises to Genesys Cloud + SmartApps Cloud Teller taking full advantage of the existing configuration for Core Account Types, Activity Mapping, Teller menu tree, Teller features, and prompts.

Account Self Service

Teller allows members to perform transactional operations like balance information, recent transactions, funds transfer, making payments, and much more. In this release, numerous new capabilities have been added and feature parity to Smart Teller prem is considered complete.

Card BlockingProvides the ability to block cards for various reasons, including lost or stolen cards, with or without the card number. 
Card AdvancesFeature to allow a member to get an advance from a Card account which transfers the funds to another account.
Transaction by Date or Amount Feature to search for transactions on a specific date or for a specific amount and then hear the details of those transactions which matched.
Mortgage payment inquiry Provides member with current information about the upcoming or past due mortgage payment.
Monetary Report Detailed view of all Monetary transactions performed by bank by phone including monetary functions like funds transfer, payments, advances, etc. 


Numerous updates to existing reports within the SmartApps Cloud platform as detailed below:

  • Usage Summary – The Usage summary report to provide a comprehensive view of the total system usage across various Smart IVR services, aiding credit unions in managing their fair use policy and associated costs. Each customer using SmartApps gets an amount of IVR and SMS fair usage included with the purchase of SmartApps Cloud user licenses. In the Fall release, agent usage of the SmartApps Client has been added to see the total number of representatives using SmartApps. This report will be used to determine if there are any overage fees for SmartApps Client usage above the contract amount along with SMS/IVR usage which is above the fair usage amounts. More details on the fair usage can be found at this link:
  • Fraud Prevention – Numerous reports under Fraud Prevention were improved to provide direct links to Genesys Cloud conversations making it easier to quickly research a given interaction when drilling into sub reports.
  • Pop and Proactive Info Summary – These summary reports were enhanced to show the impact of alternate member search to the overall success. Alternative Member search uses the inbound caller id (or ANI) to find a potential account match to streamline the authentication and screen pop process. The reports provide insight into the authentication success based on phone number matches. To take advantage of these insights, Alternate Member Search needs to be enabled and phone number to member number matching uploaded.

Employee Productivity

Alternate Member Search Upload

Users can now upload a CSV file mapping phone numbers to member numbers, enhancing the system's ability to identify members based on phone number or ANI for inbound calls. This is now being exposed for customers to perform these uploads without engaging TTEC Digital TAC.

Alternate Member Search Upload

Configurable pop definition names

SmartApps Client can be configured to screen pop one to many applications when an interaction is delivered to the MSR. When numerous application screen pop definitions are configured, the SmartApps Client shows a dropdown of the different screen pop definitions. The dropdown label now matches the description in the Screen Pop Application Definition giving control on the name of the application pop name giving the MSR indicator on which application will be loaded.

SmartApps Client can be configured to screen pop one to many applications when an interaction is delivered to the MSR.

Authentication answers persist on transfer

When an MSR performs manual authentication using information from the Security Details page, those results are now stored so upon the member’s call being transferred to another representative, the second representative will see the manual authentication results of the first MSR. With this insight, the second MSR can ask varying manual authentication questions should they need to step up the authentication level. In addition to these visual indicators in the SmartApps Client users, Fraud Investigator now shows the breakdown of questions asked and by which representative. Note that Fraud Investigator is only available in the SmartApps Cloud User 3 license level.

Authentication answers persist on transfer
Manual agent authentication

SmartApps Cloud – Summer ‘24 Release

Streamlined Authentication

IVR Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a quick and easy way to securely authenticate members. With this release, the IVR can now use two-factor authentication as a required method for authenticating a member. This method is most often used during PIN activation and forced PIN changes. Additionally, any of the authentication profiles across screen pop, proactive information, or bank by phone can be configured to use two-factor authentication.

Self Service


Teller is a bank by phone solution providing credit union members 24x7 phone access to typical banking transactions. Built on top of the SmartApps Cloud platform, it provides self-service capabilities to the member while taking advantage of SmartApps Cloud platform’s streamlined authentication, fraud prevention, and employee empowerment capabilities. While this solution is new to SmartApps Cloud, the solution is built using the SmartApps on-premises Smart Teller approach as the solution model. For credit unions moving from PureConnect to Genesys Cloud, the configuration and capabilities will look very similar with some improvements appropriate for cloud architecture. The near-term roadmap includes migration tools to ease the process of moving from PureConnect + Smart Teller on-premises to Genesys Cloud + SmartApps Cloud Teller taking full advantage of the existing configuration for Core Account Types, Activity Mapping, Teller menu tree, Teller features, and prompts.

Account Self Service

Teller allows members to perform transactional operations like balance information, recent transactions, funds transfer, making payments, and much more. In this release, numerous new capabilities have been built out with the plan to complete the remaining features in the subsequent release, Fall ’24. Below is a list of all the features available with newly added features in bold with the remaining planned for Fall ’24. 

Card ActivationProvides the ability to activate new cards which include cards of all types.
Card BlockingProvides the ability to block cards for various reasons, including lost or stolen cards, with or without the card number. (Planned for Fall ’24)
Card Advances Feature to allow a member to get an advance from a Card account which transfers the funds to another account. (Planned for Fall ’24)
Transaction by Date or Amount Feature to search for transactions on a specific date or for a specific amount and then hear the details of those transactions which matched. (Planned for Fall ’24)
Monetary Report Detailed view of all Monetary transactions performed by bank by phone including monetary functions like funds transfer, payments, advances, etc. (Planned for Fall ’24) 

Improved missing Core Account Type emails

Enhancements to email notifications for missing core account types, including detailed information and direct links to the mapping configuration in the site manager, facilitating easier management of new account types.

Screen shot of SmartApps email template missing core account type


New reports were added for both bank by phone and general platform needs:

  • Call Flow Analysis - The call flow analysis report has been enhanced, which allows credit unions to track the usage of different features within the bank by phone system, providing insights into member interactions and preferences.
  • IVR Usage – A new usage summary report was discussed, which provides a comprehensive view of the total system usage across various smart IVR services, aiding credit unions in managing their fair use policy and associated costs. Each customer using SmartApps gets an amount of IVR and SMS fair usage included with the purchase of SmartApps Cloud user licenses. More details on the fair usage can be found at this link:
  • Transfer by destination – Summary report to help understand the reasons behind calls being transferred out of the bank by phone system to the contact center, such as authentication failures, collections, bankruptcy or member requests.
  • PIN Report – Detail report showing all Member PIN activation and force changes.

Employee Productivity

Alternate Member Search Upload

Users can now upload a CSV file mapping phone numbers to member numbers, enhancing the system's ability to identify members based on phone numbers provided during calls.

Screen shot of where a user can upload a CSV file mapping phone numbers to member numbers in SmartApps
Smart Apps Summer 24 Release Member Search

Improved Member Search

We have improved the Member Search capability for Member Service representatives using the SmartApps Client. The main goal is to ensure that before loading the SmartApps client view with account information, the system identifies both the account and the person calling. This change aims to streamline the authentication process, especially when the member has not provided complete information during the IVR or Smart Bot interaction. Below contains key benefits from the improved experience:

  • Efficiency: The new search capabilities are designed to save time for representatives by automatically populating search fields with information provided during the IVR interaction, reducing manual entry.
  • Streamlined Authentication: By selecting both the person and the account before loading, the system can initiate processes like voice biometric calls more accurately, ensuring the right person is authenticated from the start.
  • Security and Privacy: The system now limits the visibility of account details based on the caller's access level, ensuring that joint account holders or beneficiaries only see information they are authorized to access.
  • Core-Specific Adjustments: The implementation of these features varies by core system, with specific adjustments made to accommodate the unique data structures and access controls of different banking cores.

Configurable Voice Biometric status

Site Manager now allows customization of the text and color for voice biometric authentication statuses, providing flexibility to align with the institution's terminology and visual cues.

Configurable Voice Biometric status

SmartApps Cloud – Spring ‘24 Release

Streamlined Authentication

Transunion TruValidate (Formerly TrustID) integration

Transunion TruValidate is a solution which provides comfort in trusting the inbound call is coming from the device which is sent by the carrier. The solution used to be known as TrustID. TruValidate provides a risk score on inbound calls which can be used to drive different behaviors within the contact center. This includes routing calls to a specialized agent who can handle risky calls or queues which are from the Fraud team.

Within SmartApps, this information is used in numerous ways:

  • With Alternate Member Search, a member can be identified by a Phone Number matched to their account. While this is a great way to identify members, this can be risky if a fraudster is spoofing their number. Based on this, there is a configuration where alternate member search can be bypassed for risky calls.
  • In the same way with alternate member search, the risk level of the call can be configured to bypass any of the self-service systems like bank by phone and proactive information.
  • TruValidate results will be shown when the call is connected with the member services agent and can be used to help guide the agent on authenticating and engaging the caller.

Self Service

Spanish Playback

Throughout SmartApps there are thousands of prompts available to guide the member through self-service from everything from authentication to hearing proactive information about their account to taking actions on their account. Now the entire self-service touch tone experience is now available in Spanish for the Spanish speak members who are unable to manage the self-service experience in English. In addition, if a Spanish speaker member engages with an agent, the SMS and Email Two-Factor authentication messages will be delivered in Spanish.

Personal Greetings

When your member engages, we can now welcome the member with personal greetings which dynamically play surround a member’s anniversary, birthday, and normal greetings using the member’s name.


Teller is a bank by phone solution providing credit union members 24x7 phone access to typical banking transactions. Built on top of the SmartApps Cloud platform, it provides self-service capabilities to the member while taking advantage of SmartApps Cloud platform’s streamlined authentication, fraud prevention, and employee empowerment capabilities. While this solution is new to SmartApps Cloud, the solution is built using the SmartApps on-premises Smart Teller approach as the solution model. For credit unions moving from PureConnect to Genesys Cloud, the configuration and capabilities will look very similar with some improvements appropriate for cloud architecture. The near-term roadmap includes migration tools to ease the process of moving from PureConnect + Smart Teller on-premises to Genesys Cloud + SmartApps Cloud Teller taking full advantage of the existing configuration for Core Account Types, Activity Mapping, Teller menu tree, Teller features, and prompts.

Account Self Service

Teller allows members to perform transactional operations like balance information, recent transactions, funds transfer, making payments, and much more. In this release, numerous new capabilities have been built out with the plan to complete the remaining features in the subsequent release, Spring ’24. Below is a list of all the features available with newly added features in bold.  




Authenticate member using member number, social security number, birthdate, PIN, and driver’s license number.


Savings account information including balances, interest rates, recent deposits, recent withdrawals, and recent transactions.


Checking account information including balances, interest rates, recent deposits, recent withdrawals, recent cleared checks, recent POS, and recent transactions.


Loan details including balances, interest rates, available credit, recent payments, payment inquiry, interest, payoffs, loan advances, interest paid and recent transactions.


Mortgage details including balances, interest rates, escrow, payoffs, interest, interest paid and recent payments.

Credit Card

Credit card details including balances, interest rates, available credit, and recent transactions.


IRA information and transactions

Balance Summaries

Provides member balance information at a glance across specific account types (checking, savings, loans) or across all accounts for quick balance insight.

Interest and Dividend

Get interest and dividend information for numerous account types.

Contribution and Tax Information

Get summary information for contributions and tax details for numerous account types.

Merchant Verification

Allows merchants to do a real-time check to ensure a member has adequate funds to process a check or charge.


Make payments to loans, credit cards, and mortgages.

Check Management

Check management includes putting a stop on a check payment, check status for a specific check, check holds, and check status for a range of checks.

Withdrawals & Advances

Withdraws funds from checking or saving and send to a member through mail or take an advance from a credit card or loan to checking or savings.

Funds Transfers

Providing transfers between different entities within the same account including transfer to and from checking savings, and loans.

Member to Member Transfers

Transfer funds from member’s account to another member within the Credit Union.

Balance on a specific day

Support to get a balance on a specific day for Mortgages, Loans, and Deposits

PIN Management

New members are taken through PIN activation procedure. Existing members can be forced to change their PIN by the credit union, or the member can change their PIN on demand through Teller.

Menu Builder

Build your bank-by-phone menu to match your current system or to enhance upon with the new available capabilities. Easy to use configurable control of menu tree options with support for both static and dynamic menuing. Dynamic menu prompts the member with personalized menus based on their open accounts.

Expert Mode

Expert mode provides quick access to specific bank-by-phone features without having to navigate a menu system. This is perfect for your expert member users who want quick access to specific information like recent credit card charges or checking balance information.

Change Member Login

Ability for a member to change the account in the middle of an existing call.

Teller Reports

One new report, Call Session, was added for the bank by phone application with numerous more coming in Summer '24 release.
The Call Session report is a summary report showing information on volume, length of time, and peak volumes.

Employee Productivity

Custom App Screen pop

On the security details page within the SmartApps Client Addin, the agent will no longer see the social security number or date of birth if the member profile opened is an employee of the credit union.

Voice Biometric date insight

Within Voice Biometric agent views, the agents will now see historical information regarding the member’s biometric engagement. This includes date information regarding when a member had their voice originally registered or when the member opted out or when biometrics was last offered to the member.

Custom Status through SmartApps Cloud

When authentication statuses are customized and specific terms used in the Authentication settings, now those custom statuses are used throughout the system include Fraud Investigator, Reports, and the agent’s Authentication History view.