March 2023 release notes
Release plan and release schedule
Bug fixes
Deleted evaluation tracking
Presently, when retrieving Evaluations from Genesys Cloud, the response from Genesys omits Evaluations that had been deleted in Genesys Cloud. If the Evaluation was synched to the Insights (formerly known as Avtex Insights) database prior to it being deleted in Genesys Cloud, then Insights will not reflect the fact that it was Deleted. With recent enhancements to the Genesys APIs, we are better able to identify which Evaluations have been Deleted and properly update the status in Insights.
New features & updates
Participant data support
With this release, we will now be able to capture Participant Attributes in Insights. This will allow our customers to report on Conversation Metrics down to the Participant Data field. By default, we will not capture any Participant Data attributes out of the box.
In order to capture Participant Data, a list of Participant Data fields must be sent to so that we can configure the attributes for collection. In a future release, we will enable customers to self-manage the list of attributes for their environment
Action required by our customers
We are not able to update the Security Role used by Insights automatically. As a result, this rollout requires the following actions by Genesys Cloud Administrators.
- Step 1: Open the AvtexInsights AppRole from the Roles Menu
- Step 2: Navigate to Permissions
- Step 3: Add the following permissions
- Conversation -> Participant -> Attributes View
- Reporting -> Custom Participant Attributes -> View
- Analytics -> Agent Conversation Detail -> View
- Analytics -> Conversation Detail -> View
Please email a list of all Participant Data Attributes you would like captured in Insights to
Rollout timeline
- March 8, 2023: Genesys to release the Production version of their Participant Data API.
- March 15 – April 1, 2023: Database Tables for Participant Data to be deployed to all customer databases; Data Integration scripts and processes to be migrated to Production.
InsertedOn/UpdatedOn tracking
Starting in February 2023, we will begin updating all databases and all tables to add an InsertedOn/UpdatedOn timestamps.
These additional attributes are being added to better support:
- Customers who want to configure Incremental Refresh for Power BI
- Improved data syncs for customers seeking to extract data from the database into their own data warehouse
- Upcoming enhancements to Insights views and performance
New key fields for SQL tables
As Insights continues to grow, there are areas where we can introduce additional efficiencies to help with data refresh rates. Power BI Data Syncs is one example. With this in mind, we are adding new fields to some of our core database tables.
Rollout Phases
- Phase 1:
- Adding a new RowKey column to all tables in the technical updates section
- Adding Reference Fields to tables that would link to the new RowKey fields
- Phase 2:
- Populating Reference Field data on supporting tables
- Updating Genesys Cloud data load processes to populate Reference Fields during data processing
- Phase 3:
- Updating Reporting Views to use the new RowKey values in the joins versus the Genesys identifiers for performance reasons
Phase 1 - Technical database updates
The tables identified below will have the following changes applied
- Column Name: RowKey
- Type: Integer
- Null Handling: Do Not Allow Nulls
- Other: Identity(1,1)
- Tables Impacted, first round:
- Users
- Queues
- Divisions
- Architect Flows
- Conversations
- Conversation Participants
- Participants
- Participant Sessions
- Session Segments
- Session Metrics
- Session Flow
- Campaigns
- ContactList
- WrapUp Codes
- Skills
- SkillsToConversation
Additional changes will be rolled out for the following tables:
Conversations table
- StartDate column will be added to the table, and it will be a DateOnly field
Conversation participants table
- ConversationKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the RowKey field in the Conversations Table but not populated yet
- ParticipantKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the RowKey field in the Participants Table but not populated yet
Participant sessions table
- ParticipantKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the RowKey field in the Participants Table but not populated yet
- UserKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the RowKey field in the Users Table
- CampaignKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Campaign Table
- ContactListKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the ContactList Table
Session segments table
- SessionKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Participant_Session Table
- QueueKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Queue Table
- Sequence Int field will be added. This will be used to track the order of the Segments within a call for faster querying and updating.
- WrapUpKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Wrap Up Code Table
- DateKey Int field will be added for better indexing and query performance
- TimeKey Int field will be added for better indexing and query performance
Session metrics table
- SessionKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Participant_Session Table
- Sequence Int field will be added. This will track the order in which Genesys generated the Metrics. This will assist with speeding up database loads and queries. This will also make it easier to handle the numerous after-the-fact data changes that occur.
- DateKey Int column will be added as a column to allow for faster queries and better indexing
- TimeKey Int column will be added as a column to allow for faster queries and better indexing
Session flow table
- SessionKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Participant_Session Table
- FlowKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Architect_Flows Table
- SessionKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Participant_Session Table
- SkillKey Int field will be added. This will link back to the Skills Table
We will begin rolling out the new column starting the week of March 13, 2023, to Insights internal and public environments. After that date, we will roll out the changes to customer databases.
If your organization is replicating the Insights database or data to your own internal warehouse, we will not apply the changes until you are ready or if you give us the green light.
If there is a reason why this should be delayed for your organization, please let us know by emailing
Documentation updates
The Data Dictionary will be updated with the changes above by the end of February 2023 and will be available for download. We will send out a follow-up communication with the link to the updated document.
Updated quality evaluation Power BI template
Based on the feedback we have received directly from our Insights customers we have created a new Quality Evaluations Template that is available for download here.
Key features and updates
- Includes default filter to ignore Deleted Evaluations
- Includes the ability to report on Evaluation Scores/Counts by Queue
- Refreshed report template design that eliminates wasted space normally taken up by filters
- Adds a new report to breakdown Evaluations into Individual Questions to show how those questions are being answered
- Introduces the 100 Club to easily spotlight agents who receive a perfect score
- Adds the ability to compare an Agent to their Peers or the wider Organization
Updated standard model template – incremental refresh
We have created a new Power BI Standard Model Template that is pre-configured for Incremental Refresh. With incremental refresh enabled when your Power BI data refreshes, it will only pull data within a certain window versus resynching all your data every time. This will decrease the time it takes to refresh your data. Download the updated template here.
Default settings
- Maintain a rolling library two (2) years of historical data
- Data more than two (2) years old will be unavailable in Power BI
- During the initial publishing of the new template:
- 11-months of data will be loaded into Power BI; this data will not be refreshed
- Refresh only data that has changed in the last 30-days during each refresh
For more information on Incremental Refresh, please view:
Upcoming releases & updates for Q1, Q2 ‘23
Workforce management (WFM)
Workforce management – Historical adherence and exceptions
More customers are starting to leverage the built-in WFM features built into Genesys Cloud. Today, it is very difficult to report on-trend Adherence-related data. We are currently testing a new data sync along with a new Power BI Report Template that will allow Insights customers:
- The ability to report on Adherence/Conformance at the Business Unit, Management Unit, User, and Team level
- The ability to trend Adherence/Conformance over time; whether that is by Year, Month, or Day
- The ability to track month-over-month trends in Adherence/Conformance
- Access to exception details directly in Power BI, including tracking when Exceptions are modified based on Schedule changes
- Having access to the underlying data used to calculate Adherence/Conformance
- Example: Number of seconds an Agent is scheduled for on a given day
- Example: Actual number of seconds logged by the Agent on a given day
Workforce management – Shrinkage
As a fast follow to our Historical Adherence updates, we will be enabling a data sync to pull Shrinkage-related information directly from Genesys Cloud. This data will be merged with the other Adherence data to complete this phase of the WFM Reporting package.
Workforce management – Availability
We are currently testing our Workforce Management solution, but we are looking for BETA Testers starting now. If you are interested in becoming a beta customer, please email and we will work on getting you set up. We are currently planning on limiting the BETA to 10 customers initially.
BOT/Flow/Conversation aggregate tables
Today, the conversation metrics (Handle Time, Offered, etc.) used in Insights are coming from a detailed conversation query. While this process works well and gives us a lot of detail about a Conversation, there are some challenges with that API:
- Less than ideal performance when querying this data out of Insights
- The data for this API is updated at a different interval within Genesys than what is displayed in the UI; this creates some differences between the data in Insights vs what is displayed in the UI
- There are data limits on how much data we can request in one pass; making it slower to get all the data we want
- There is not a concept of “last update.” As a result, we do not know when things change within a Conversation, and we are stuck processing all call data every time, which slows down our data load process
We have created new API data pulls and supporting tables that leverage the same APIs that are used by the Genesys Cloud UI. The benefits are:
- The data is already summarized using the criteria we specify, leading to less volume
- We can request more data at once, allowing us to process more data and making it easier to process
Flow aggregate, outcomes, and milestones
We will be adding additional tables in Insights to track Flow, Flow Outcomes, and Milestone data like what is shown in the Genesys Performance View:
- The list of Flow Outcomes presently configured in Genesys Cloud
- The list of Flow Milestones presently configured in Genesys Cloud
- Flow Milestone Aggregates that summarize Flow Milestones and the associated Outcomes
- Flow Outcome Aggregates that summarize Flow data based on Outcomes
- Flow Aggregates table that summarizes Flow data (Entries, Exits, Abandons, etc.)
BOT performance
We will be adding additional tables to support BOT Performance View:
- A list of BOTs currently configured, along with different attributes (Type, etc.)
- A summary table of the performance of each Bot, grouped by key attributes:
- Fallback Responses
- Entry/Exit Reasons
- Response Counts, etc.
Conversation aggregates
We will be creating a Conversation Aggregate Table that summarizes call metrics by:
- Media Type
- Direction
- Queue
- Users
- Wrap-Up Code
- Conversation Id
- Session Id
By grouping by Conversation Id and Session Id we can use those data points to query data that exists in the other tables within Insights in order to summarize data by other fields like ANI, DNIS, etc.
Reach out to for assistance.